We have been using Enigma protector for years now. We recently found out that all our heartache with antivirus softwares over the years was to be blamed on Enigma, and not an issue with antivirus companies (if it's Enigma's code that's flagging the protection).
We sign our code with an EV Code Signing Certificate and have tried contacting and submitting false-positive with Windows Defender, BitDefender, McAfee Endpoint, and Symantec Endpoint Protection (the four major AVs used by our customers), all of them rejected our request.
We are in the process of a upgrade to the software and were reviewing the changelog on Engma's website where it says that the issues with Bitdefender has been fixed. Reviewing that information we upgraded to the latest version but still have the same issues.
Please let us know if there is an urgent fix getting ready for this, and if not, what is procedure for a refund?
Do not expect us, or any client to keep requesting antiviruses to remove the false positive, that is not our job. the issue lies with Enigma, and if it takes contacting all antivirus companies, Enigma should be doing that, not us. We are paying for a software that should be fit for purpose.