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Regarding the control issue of the trial program, the program cannot be closed normally when it expires!
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:55 am
by a707400208
I can use the trial control by days, by times, and by limits in the sample program.
The program cannot be closed normally after the trial expires!
My program exit situation description: My sample program can only be exited by the program's exit key, and cannot be closed by clicking the close key in the upper right corner.
Is there any way to test, fix, or solve this problem? To achieve the forced exit of the program process!
Turn off exception prompts

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Re: Regarding the control issue of the trial program, the program cannot be closed normally when it expires!
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:14 am
by Enigma
Hi, we will reply you by email.
Re: Regarding the control issue of the trial program, the program cannot be closed normally when it expires!
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:53 am
by a707400208
Hello, please ask.
My problem has not been effectively solved yet. I am currently thinking of two solutions.
1. After the trial expires, the program cannot be opened.
2. After the use expires, the program automatically closes after a few seconds.
Currently, these two solutions cannot be implemented in the trial control function!
Currently, my situation is still that the program can be opened after the trial expires!
Re: Regarding the control issue of the trial program, the program cannot be closed normally when it expires!
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:09 pm
by Enigma
If in trial limitations, you've check the option "Terminate if expired", then there is no way application starts if trial is expired. I'm sure there is something wrong, probably with protection configuration or the way you applied protection.
Note, the only one possible case, when application starts when trial expired, is the case when application is registered with license key. To make sure it does not happen in your case, in Enigma Protector, open project file that you use to protect your files, and click main menu - Tools - Debug - Reset All Local Information. This option removes the license key if it exists in the system.